Reportizer Viewer Documentation

Report Warnings

If you see such warnings before or during the report preview, please ask your report author about them.

Group related band(s) visible, but the corresponding grouping expression not assigned

Group Header band(s) or Group Footer band(s) are visible, but the corresponding grouping expression not assigned. In this case, the group related bands of the corresponding levels will not be printed. For example, Group 2 Header or Group 2 Footer are printed only if [Report].Grouping Expression 2 was assigned.

Grouping expression assigned, but grouping features never used in report

Some of grouping expressions was specified, but Group Header band and Group Footer band of the corresponding grouping level are invisible and the grouping level never used in Expression objects. For example, you specified [Report].Grouping Expression 3, but forgot to set [Group 3 Header].Visible and [Group 3 Footer].Visible to True and never used grouping of the third level in your Expression objects. Please note, that specifying grouping expression will cause calculating its result for every database record in the report, and thus will slow up the report generation.

Object  '<Name>'  refers to unknown field

Object of Database Text, Database Image, or Database Checkbox type refers to unknown field (or the field is not assigned). You should specify a correct field name.

Object  '<Name>'  does not contain picture

Object of Image type does not contain a picture (the picture not assigned).

Object  '<Name>': expression not specified

Object of Expression type does not contain an expression.

Object  '<Name>': text not specified

Object of Label type does not contain a text.

Object  '<Name>': file name not specified

The corresponding property of File Text or File Image object does not contain a file name.

Object  '<Name>': file does not exist

Object of File Text or File Image type refers to unknown file.